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Elementary Data

Elementary provides dbt-native data observability to detect issues, understand root causes, and resolve problems quickly in data pipelines.

Elementary is an open-source data observability platform built specifically for modern data teams using dbt. Some key features and benefits include:

  • dbt-native integration: Elementary integrates seamlessly with dbt, allowing teams to manage data quality and observability directly in their dbt projects. All configurations can be managed as code in dbt.

  • Automated monitoring: Elementary automatically monitors data freshness, volume, schema changes, and can detect anomalies in data. It leverages existing dbt tests and allows adding custom anomaly detection tests.

  • Data lineage: Provides column-level lineage from data warehouse to BI dashboards, making it easy to understand data flows and impact of issues.

  • Actionable alerts: Sends detailed alerts with queries, sample data, and relevant metadata to help quickly diagnose and resolve problems.

  • Security-focused design: Elementary Cloud does not require access to raw data, only reading metadata from a dedicated schema.

  • Quick setup: Can be deployed in minutes without complex configurations.

  • Open source: Core functionality is open source and backed by an active community.

  • Integrations: Works with major data warehouses, orchestration tools, BI platforms, and collaboration tools.

Elementary aims to help data teams gain visibility into their pipelines, detect problems early, understand root causes, and resolve issues faster. It's designed to fit into existing dbt workflows while providing powerful observability capabilities.
