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A powerful headless CMS that enables developers to build, deploy, and manage content-rich applications with customizable APIs and a user-friendly admin panel.

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Strapi is a game-changing open-source headless CMS that puts the power of content management in your hands. With its flexible and customizable approach, Strapi allows developers to create robust, scalable applications while giving content creators an intuitive interface to manage their digital assets.

Key benefits of Strapi include:

  • API-first architecture: Build your content structure and instantly get a powerful, customizable API to deliver content across any digital channel.
  • Self-hosted solution: Maintain full control over your data and infrastructure, ensuring security and compliance with your specific requirements.
  • Extensible plugin system: Enhance your CMS capabilities with a wide range of plugins or create your own to fit your unique needs.
  • User-friendly admin panel: Empower your content team with an intuitive, customizable interface that streamlines content creation and management.
  • Database agnostic: Choose from multiple database options, including SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB, to best suit your project requirements.
  • Robust content modeling: Design complex content structures with ease using Strapi's powerful content-type builder and dynamic zones.
  • Built-in authentication & permissions: Secure your application and manage user roles with granular permissions out of the box.
  • GraphQL support: Leverage the power of GraphQL queries alongside traditional REST APIs for efficient data fetching.
  • Internationalization: Create and manage multilingual content effortlessly to reach a global audience.
  • Media library: Organize and optimize your digital assets with an integrated media management system.

Whether you're building a simple blog or a complex e-commerce platform, Strapi provides the tools and flexibility to bring your content-driven projects to life efficiently and effectively.

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