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Featurevisor is an open-source tool for managing feature flags, experiments, and remote configuration directly from your Git repository.

Featurevisor is a powerful open-source feature management solution designed for developers who prefer a GitOps approach. It allows teams to manage feature flags, experiments, and remote configurations declaratively from their Git repository, integrating seamlessly with existing development workflows.

Key features and benefits:

  1. GitOps-based workflow

    • Manage features through Pull Requests
    • Version control and change history
    • Streamlined collaboration for teams
  2. Comprehensive feature management

    • Feature flags (on/off toggles)
    • A/B testing and experimentation
    • Gradual rollouts
    • Segmentation for targeted releases
    • Conditional variables for dynamic configuration
  3. Developer-friendly

    • Lightweight SDKs (~6kB for JavaScript)
    • Support for multiple languages and frameworks
    • Consistent bucketing across devices and applications
  4. Flexible deployment options

    • Cloud-native architecture
    • Compatible with various CI/CD tools and CDNs
    • Generate static status websites for organization-wide visibility
  5. Advanced capabilities

    • Multi-environment support
    • Tagging for efficient feature loading
    • Force bucketing for testing
    • Built-in tracking support

Featurevisor empowers development teams to implement progressive delivery, test in production, manage remote configurations, run A/B tests, and adopt trunk-based development practices. Its open-source nature and focus on developer workflows make it an excellent choice for teams looking to improve their feature management processes without vendor lock-in.
