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Abby offers open-source, fully typed feature flagging and remote configuration for React and Next.js, with multi-environment testing and debugging tools.

Abby is an open-source feature flagging and remote configuration tool designed specifically for developers working with modern tech stacks. It provides a type-safe experience with SDKs for React and Next.js, allowing teams to efficiently manage feature deployments and configurations across different environments.

Key features and benefits:

  • Type-safe implementation: Fully typed SDKs ensure code reliability and reduce errors.
  • Framework integration: Built-in support for React and Next.js, optimized for server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG).
  • Multi-environment testing: Create and manage different environments to safely test features before going live.
  • DevTools for debugging: Includes developer tools for contextual debugging of feature flags and remote config variables.
  • Reliability focus: SDKs come with built-in fallbacks to minimize downtime risks.
  • Privacy and transparency: Fully open-source with anonymized data and self-hosting options.

Abby offers a range of pricing tiers to accommodate different team sizes and usage needs:

  1. Free Starter: 1,000 events/month, 1 A/B test, 3 feature flags/remote configs, 5 environments
  2. Startup ($12/mo): 10,000 events/month, 10 A/B tests, 30 feature flags/remote configs, 5 environments
  3. Pro ($89/mo): 100,000 events/month, 10 A/B tests, 50 feature flags/remote configs, 10 environments
  4. Enterprise: Custom pricing with unlimited usage

Abby is designed to simplify feature deployment complexity while providing the flexibility and control developers need to manage their applications effectively.
