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Open Source Keeper Alternatives

The Best Security Tools and Developer Tools similar to Keeper.

The best open source alternative to Keeper is HashiCorp Vault. If that doesn't suit you, we've compiled a ranked list of other open source Keeper alternatives to help you find a suitable replacement. Other interesting open source alternative to Keeper is Infisical.

Keeper alternatives are mainly Security Tools but may also be Developer Tools. Browse these if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Keeper.


HashiCorp Vault is a powerful tool for managing secrets, protecting sensitive data, and controlling access using identity-based security.

Screenshot of HashiCorp Vault website

HashiCorp Vault is a robust solution for managing secrets and protecting sensitive data in modern infrastructure environments. Here are the key features and benefits:

  1. Centralized Secrets Management:

    • Store, access, and deploy secrets across applications, systems, and infrastructure
    • Securely manage tokens, passwords, certificates, and encryption keys
  2. Identity-Based Security:

    • Integrate with trusted identity platforms (e.g., Active Directory, LDAP, Kubernetes)
    • Automate access to secrets and systems based on authenticated identities
  3. Dynamic Secrets:

    • Generate unique, on-demand credentials for clients
    • Automatically rotate and revoke access when leases expire
  4. Encryption as a Service:

    • Provide API-driven encryption capabilities
    • Centralize data protection workflows for untrusted or semi-trusted systems
  5. Automated PKI Infrastructure:

    • Quickly create X.509 certificates on demand
    • Reduce manual overhead in managing PKI
  6. Database Credential Rotation:

    • Automatically rotate database passwords
    • Minimize the risk of credential exposure
  7. Key Management:

    • Standardize distribution and lifecycle management across various KMS providers
  8. Flexible Deployment Options:

    • Self-managed Community Edition (free)
    • HCP Vault (managed cloud service)
    • Enterprise version for custom deployments

Vault offers a user-friendly interface with CLI, UI, and HTTP API access, making it adaptable to various workflows and environments. Its focus on identity-based security and automation makes it an excellent choice for organizations looking to enhance their security posture while streamlining operations.

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End-to-end encrypted secret management platform for seamless integration and enhanced security in development workflows.

Screenshot of Infisical website

Infisical revolutionizes secret management for development teams, offering a robust, user-friendly solution to secure sensitive information. With end-to-end encryption at its core, Infisical ensures your secrets remain protected throughout their lifecycle.

Key benefits of Infisical include:

  • Enhanced Security: Utilize military-grade encryption to safeguard your secrets, ensuring only authorized team members can access sensitive data.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily incorporate Infisical into your existing development workflow with support for various programming languages and frameworks.
  • Centralized Management: Streamline secret handling across multiple projects and environments from a single, intuitive dashboard.
  • Version Control: Keep track of secret changes with built-in versioning, allowing for easy rollbacks and audits.
  • Access Control: Implement granular permissions to manage team member access to specific secrets or projects.
  • CI/CD Friendly: Integrate effortlessly with popular CI/CD tools to maintain security throughout your deployment pipeline.
  • Open Source: Benefit from community-driven development and the ability to self-host for complete control over your data.

Infisical empowers teams to focus on building great software without compromising on security. By simplifying secret management, it reduces the risk of data breaches and enhances overall development efficiency.

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